03 April, 2007

IKEA hack - "Turntable Ironing Board"

I saw this Clover „Turntable“ ironing board in many of the japanese craft magazines and thougth it would be quite handy. As Clover does not sell it in Germany and I remembered the “lazy susan tray” at IKEA I made one myself.

IKEA Hack - Turntable Ironing Board

Material needed: SNUDDA (lazy suzan tray 39 cm) from IKEA 5,99 €.

Cotton fabric, and heat resistant batting (mine is from an ironing board cover). The batting needs to be cut exactly the size of SNUDDA, the fabric appox. 10 cm bigger than SNUDDA.

Make a giant yoyo with a rather strong thread, put the batting on top of SNUDDA and cover both with the yoyo. Pull the thread tight and voila…


Amy said...

This is the best! Very clever you are :)

Anonymous said...

Great idea! I'm going to make one for myself this weekend! Thanks!

Junie Moon said...

What a brilliant idea! I'm going to make one, too. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful project of yours.

Anonymous said...

Great idea. I'm definitely featuring this on ikeahacker.blogspot.com.

Sweet P said...

I found your blog through RedWorkStitchers Yahoo group. I love your Redwork. It's all gorgeous.

What a great idea for making your own rotating ironing board. I may have to make one for myself.

I've bookmarked your site so I'll be watching for your updates.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this wonderfull idea. I will try to make one too.

Anonymous said...

Wonderfull I have to go to ikea sooooooooon!

Anonymous said...

Great idea !!!!!!!!

Katrina said...

Great idea!!

Anonymous said...

I hope you don't mind... this was such a clever idea that I posted your picture on my website (and it links to your blog).

Anonymous said...

here's my blog address:

June (planetjune) said...

What a great idea! I've always wanted a reason to buy an IKEA lazy susan and now I think I have a good excuse to pick one up!

Anonymous said...

Wow - that is a brilliant idea - I want to make one. It's given me the idea to use a lazy susan under my scrabble board too!

Anonymous said...

Great! thanks for sharing, I am goingto make one this weekend.

Iris said...

Ingenious! So is the idea for using it for Scrabble as well.

julia said...

Your blog is - sorry, I haven't another word for it - so cool!
Do you mind if I post a Link on my blog?
Please, keep on blogging - I love to see your gorgeous quilts and your ideas are fantastic!

Redwork in Germany said...

Sure Julia go ahead, Dein Samplerquilt wird schön werden.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful idea! Danke sehr!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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joanie said...

I love it! What a brilliant idea, all the best inventions come from necessity don't they? Very well done.

Anonymous said...
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ILikePaperCutting said...

so clever and practical.

--- Ruth --- RuRebo --- said...

Auf derselben Grundlage habe ich mir eine drehbare Schneidematte gebastelt...
Ikea ist immer für ein Schnäppchen gut, oder?

Lucie said...

You may have emailed me several years ago about a picture I posted on the Internet. It was a little Dutch Cleanser Girl in Redwork. I had no clue where I got the pattern as I was in several swaps and very new to the Internet. I still have it sitting in my draw, with my other stash of stitcheries. I just stitch to stitch (love embroider). Mostly in the car so I don't drive DH crazy with my back seat driving (lol). Just want to say thanks, and love this tutorial. I just gave away my lazy susan this past summer. I will have to look for another one at garage sales this coming spring!

Jules said...

Hi there!
I love this and would like to feature your ironing turntable in my upcoming project. I couldn't find a way to contact you so thought I would give it a go on the comments section. Do drop me a line if that's ok.
I'm at: ikeahacker [at] gmail [dot] com. Look forward to hearing from you.

Redwork in Germany said...

HI Jules, I haven't been very active in by blog recently and overlooked your request. If you are still interested in the turntable post, yes please do go ahead and feature it. In the meantime "Angie Du" of retrofirschling did something very similar with SNUDDA on