02 May, 2010

Nähen in den Mai – “Sewing into Mai”

A virtual sewing bee with the Quiltfriends started at 07:00 pm on 29. April and ended for me at 04:00 am on 01.Mai 2010 with a yet an unfinished “Nähbox” (SewingBox).

My “Dear Baby Jane Stuff–Nähbox” with handles….

We had two tutorials to choose from:

one was Nickel-Pickles Sewing Box - there is an English language version on Nickel-Pickles blog

and a life Tutorial fromPatchBea – one of the Quiltfriends – via forumposts for a little suitcase.

A funny night with lot’s of things to learn by trial and error… and I really hope we will do it again!

I wanted to make the sewing box and therefore I needed a really long zipper. As the only one I had was black I also choose black linen (by Ikea) and the rosé-ish fabric “City Girl” by Kitty Yoshida (a Bernatexfabric); oh and and an appliqué bambi I made from the City Girl fabric some time ago.

DJ Stuff Nähbox - Material according to Nickles Tutorial

This is how the WIP looked like at about 04:00 am on Mai 1st – a “Nähbox” (Sewing Box) big enough to hold all my Dear Jane Stuff – the book, the small Clover ironing/cutting board, my DBJ File Folder with the finished blocks and all my sewing notion. As you can see I did not really follow Nickles-Pickles instructions to the point. And for a first trial it is a bit wonky…

WIP picture – Nähbox/Sewing Box inside

WIP picture – Nähbox/Sewing Box outside

In the end I decided to add some handles – now it looked more like the suitcase and the little bambi ended up on its side. Next time I will plan (think) a little ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Lindo! Adorei sua criatividade....Pena você não morar no Brasil para me ajudar um pouco. Estou fazendo Patchwork por orientação médica...Adorei seu trabalho.
    Um abraço
